Support our general operations!
Help us build a community through art.
$109,776 raised
$100,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Build a strong, creative, connected community through art.
Support art education and outreach in the Starkville area!
Your financial support helps with a wide range of initiatives as part of our Art Education & Outreach Program, as well as promoting events like the Cotton District Arts Festival which have a tremendous impact on the regional economy.
Our mission is accomplished through a mix of efforts, including after-school enrichment programs through Art Partners, awards for teens through Summer Scholarships, grants to artists and organizations that support cultural activities throughout the year, public art, gallery exhibits, community events, and more!
For details on our programs, please visit and click on Programs & Events.
Donate $1,000 or more each year to become a SAAC Patron and create a foundation of impact that sustains programming and ensures organizational stability. For more details, please contact Executive Director John Bateman at or 662.324.3080.